SCINDeA in partnership with its partner organizations and local communities like the dalits, fisherfolk, quarry workers, slum dwellers, adivasis, small &marginalized farmers and ex-miners works towards improving the quality of their lives through both sustainable income generating activities and skill training.
SCINDeA also organizes youth into youth groups in order to impart career guidance and appropriate skills for self employment.
In order to extend this programme to cover maximum number of poor and excluded families in the village the concept of add-on families is also promoted. The idea of the initial family contributing back to the communities and providing it further to add-on families is now evolving as a village community asset/capital and has been welcomed by all communities in the SCINDeA area of operation. This is also one means of ensuring sustainability of the livelihood promotion programme.
Income generating activities is also provided to poor households based on need. Criteria are developed to short list the most deserving families. Preference is given to widows, destitutes, PLHAs etc.